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Rules and Regulations

Installation and Dismantling of Exhibits

Setup time, exhibit hall hours, and dismantling time are listed in the Exhibitor Service Kit. All booths must be constructed in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act. Exhibits will not be permitted to be packed or removed from the building at any time after installation until the final closing of the exhibit hall unless special permission in writing is obtained from SMTA. Failure to comply will result in a $300 fine. Booth must be fully staffed during the entire conference. SMTA reserves the right to make such modifications in the exhibit hours as may be necessary to meet program needs, with full notice given to all contracted exhibitors.


The cost for rental of exhibit space is shown on the application. Fifty percent (50%) of the exhibit fee must accompany this application as a deposit, with the balance due no later than Friday, August 23, 2024. All applications received after this time must be accompanied by full payment. Requests for space will be considered only after a signed application and deposit have been received. A fee totaling fifty
percent (50%) of the exhibitor’s space requirement is due upon the
completion of the exhibitors designated lottery call.

Cancellation/Reduction of Booth Space

In the event the Exhibitor cancels participation in the expo or wishes to reduce exhibit space, exhibitor shall promptly notify SMTA in writing, if the cancellation or reduction is received by SMTA before Friday, August 23, 2024. Refunds for any payments beyond this deposit, minus a $100 processing fee, will be made for cancellations or booth space reductions made on or before Friday, August 23, 2024. Any fees that cannot be refunded may be applied to SMTA International 2025 exhibit space.
No refund will be made for a cancellation or reduction received after Friday, August 23, 2024, and full payment of any unpaid balance is required. Upon cancellation, Exhibitor loses all right to space and SMTA reserves the right to reassign that space to another exhibitor. In addition, the exhibitor loses the right to use any complimentary exhibitor registration badges. SMTA reserves the right to treat
exhibitor’s downsizing of booth space as a cancellation of the original contract and an offer to purchase new booth space. Exhibitor may be required to move to a new location if it requests a downsizing of space. exhibitor agrees that it is responsible for the total exhibit space rental
for the originally contracted and assigned space.

Safety and Fire Laws

Exhibitors must strictly adhere to fire and safety laws enforced by the venue. Smoking in exhibition area is prohibited.

Electrical Safety

All wiring on exhibit displays and display fixtures must adhere to the minimum standards established by various governmental agencies and standard fire inspection ordinances. All display wiring must exhibit the seal and or such other seals of official approving agencies as may be required by the venue hosting the exhibition.

Termination of Exhibition

If the venue in which the exhibition is to be conducted shall become, in the discretion of exhibition management, unfit, or if the holding of the exhibition or the performance of management are substantially or materially interfered with by virtue of any cause not reasonably within the control of management, this contract and/or the exhibition (or any part thereof) may be terminated by exhibition management.
Exhibition management shall not be held responsible for delays, damage, loss, increased costs or other unfavorable conditions arising by virtue of cause or causes not reasonably within the control of management. If exhibition terminated this contract and/or the exhibition (or any part thereof), exhibition management may retain such part of this contract fee as shall be required to recompense it for expenses incurred up to the time such contingency shall have occurred, and there shall be no further liability on the part of either party. For purposes
hereof the phrase “cause or causes not reasonably within the control of management” shall include, but not be limited to: fire, casualty, flood, epidemic, earthquake, explosion or
accident, blockage embargo, inclement weather, governmental restraints, restraints or orders of civil defense or military authorities, act of public enemy, riot or civil disturbance, strike, lockout, boycott or other labor disturbance, inability to secure sufficient labor, technical or other personnel failure, impairment or lack of adequate transportation facilities, inability to obtain condemnation, requisition or commandeering of necessary supplies or equipment, local State or Federal laws, ordinances, rules, orders, decrees or regulations whether legislative, executive or judicial, and whether constitutional or unconstitutional, or acts of God.

Failure to Make Payment

Any person, partnership, or corporation contracting for space who shall fail to make the payment as herein provided, whether such person, partnership, or corporation desires to exhibit or not, shall thereby and thereupon forfeit all rights to the use of the selected space, and SMTA shall have the right to dispose of such space in such a way as it may consider to its interests without any liability on the part of SMTA. Any exhibitor who fails to pay for and occupy said space shall be and shall remain liable for the payment agreed on.

Allocation of Space

Expo management will assign booths according to the date your application is received and adhere to applicant’s sequence of booth preferences. If none of the applicant’s booth selections are available, expo management will assign an alternate space and allow the applicant the right to refuse this placement in writing within five (5) business days of date that the application was received.


Applicants may not sub-lease or permit any other party to use their exhibit space unless approved in writing by exhibition management


Exhibitors must employ union labor, which will be made available if required.

Rejection of Displays

Exhibition management has full discretion and authority over the placement of all decoration and displays used within exhibit hall and reserve the right to reject or prohibit any display deemed inappropriate.

Sound Level/Odor

Machines and electrical devices that create sound and/or odors must be operated to avoid the disturbance of other exhibitors and visitors. Expo management reserves the right to deem unacceptable sound levels and/or odors caused by exhibitor and prohibit usage of the machine or electrical device at cause.

Electrical, Decorating, and Additional Services

All electrical wiring and decoration needs must be provided by general contractor designated by exhibition management. Electricity, gas, water, air and other utilities will be provided only when ordered and paid for by exhibitor directly to the exhibition management-appointed person/company authorized to supply such services.

Indemnification/Limitation of Liability

Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless exhibition management and the sponsor, owner, exhibition hall facility and the city in which this exhibition is being held, and each of their respective officers, agents and employees, against all claims, losses, suits, damages, judgments, expenses, costs (including, without limitation, reasonable legal fees) and charges of every kind arising out of or resulting from its execution of this Contract to Exhibit or its occupancy of the exhibit space contracted for by reason of personal injuries, death, property damages or any other cause sustained by any persons or other including the exhibitors, its agents, employees and invitees. Exhibitor agrees that management shall not be liable in the event of any errors or omissions in exhibitor’s official directory listings or in any promotional material


Exhibition management requires that each exhibitor maintain commercial general liability insurance against claims for personal injury, death, or property damage incident to, arising out of or in any way connected with the exhibitor’s participation in the exhibition, in the amount of not less than one million ($1,000,000) dollars for personal injury, death, or property damage in any one occurrence. Such insurance maintained by the exhibitor must be issued by an insurance company reasonable acceptable to exhibition management, include coverage of the indemnification obligations of the exhibitor under these rules and regulations, and shall name SMTA as additional insured. Each exhibitor acknowledges that it is responsible for obtaining for its protection and entirely at its expense, such property insurance for its exhibit and display materials as the exhibitor deems appropriate. Any policy providing such property insurance must contain an express waiver by the exhibitor’s insurance company of any right of subrogation as to any claims against exhibition management. SMTA shall be named as additional insured on the exhibitor’s insurance policies and Exhibitor shall provide to exhibition management Certificates of Insurance indicating this status.

Additional Regulations

Exhibition management reserves the right to make such changes and/or additions to these regulations as considered advisable for the proper conduct of the exhibition, with the provision that all exhibitors will be advised of any such changes. Any matters not specifically covered herein are
subject to decision by exhibition management.

Exhibitor Conduct

Retail sales are prohibited. Exhibitors will not use their booth to promote any other exhibition or conference. Exhibitors must conduct exhibits so as not to disturb, endanger or interfere with the rights of other exhibitors, visitors and show management. Operation of official exhibitor functions in hotel or private rooms are prohibited during business hours of exhibition.
The purpose of exhibits at the SMTAI conference, consistent with SMTA objectives, to promote the advancement of Surface Mount Technology. Each exhibitor agrees to exhibit only those of its products used in the field of Surface Mount Technology, products related to the growth of knowledge, or products of interest to SMTAI. Exhibitors must comply with the Booth Rules and Regulations, a copy of which will be included with your booth confirmation. In general, exhibitors are not permitted to obstruct the view or adversely affect the displays of other exhibitors. Exhibitors may not conduct activities within their exhibit contract spaces that compete with or duplicate activities or programming offered by SMTAI and described in any SMTAI event materials. The general appearance of the show must take precedence over that of any individual exhibit and SMTA may, in its sole
determination, require rearrangement, at the Exhibitor’s expense, of any display that is in violation of the Rules and Regulations. SMTA reserves the right to prohibit any exhibit, part thereof, or proposed exhibit that in its opinion is not in keeping with the spirit and character of the exhibit as same is set forth in this document. SMTA reserves the right to restrict exhibits that become objectionable because of noise, method of operation, materials, or any other reason and also to prohibit or to evict any exhibit that in the opinion of SMTA may detract from the general character of the exhibit program as a whole. This reservation includes persons, things, conduct, printed matter, or anything of a character that SMTA determines is objectionable to the whole exhibit program. In the event of such restriction or eviction, SMTA is not liable for any refund or other expenses incurred by the exhibitor. Acceptance of this contract by SMTA should in no way be construed as an endorsement by SMTA of the exhibiting company or its products or services

Admission to Exhibits

Adults 18 years and over and affiliated with the industry served by exhibition management will be permitted in exhibition area during exhibition hours.


Exhibition management will not be held responsible for lost shipments or damage to exhibitors’ property in arrival or departure or for moving costs. Exhibitors will assume responsibility for damage resulting from inadequately packed property. Exhibitors are advised to insure against these risks.


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